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July 27, 2024
Food Program

TV shows healing TV shows about food

I always love watching movies and TV series about food, because the food in them and the people who make food have a magical healing power, which makes people feel beautiful and full of positive energy.Here I would like to recommend some food movies and TV shows that I have watched. Stay at home, you can watch these healing movies and TV series, and think of good things.Corner Foreign Fruit Shop (2011).Many of you may have heard of Antique Fruit Shop, which was originally a comic book and was later made into an animation, Japanese and Korean TV series.

So what’s the connection between The Corner Fruit Shop and the Antique Fruit Shop? The answer is: No.

“Street corner fruit shop” tells the story is Ushiba summer moo (Aoi you ornaments) from Kagoshima came to Tokyo, looking for a job in the dessert shop fiance sea Chihiro, but sea Chihiro has been from his letter mentioned street corner fruit shop left. Can not find fiance Xia mu nowhere to go in Tokyo, request to stay in the corner of the fruit shop work.

Xia Mu grew up in his hometown father opened the dessert shop to help, also has the basis of dessert production, but from the corner of the western fruit shop requirements or far. At first, her work in the store did not go well, and she was constantly at odds with her colleagues. Later she finds her fiance Kaichihiro, learns that he has been working in another dessert shop, and has a new girlfriend.

Ryotaro Shimura (Yokosuke Eguchi) was the number one dessert chef ten years ago, but suddenly quit being a dessert chef and became a food critic. A history reveals the reason for his sudden change.

Corner of the chef and owner of the fruit shop according to the son (Huida Keiko ornaments) accident fall, spent a few months to sign a good dinner contract facing cancellation, the shop is also temporarily closed. Dont want to give up the summer eyes persuaded ten village Liaotaro to help, together to complete the dinner.

This is a film of literature and art and cure, there is the goddess of literature and art Aoi you, once “Tokyo Love Story” in the capture of how many 80 after the girl’s heart Yokuke Jiangguchi became uncle, two people’s partner is very interesting.

There’s also plenty of dessert-making and dessert-showing, and even those who don’t like dessert can feel the healing power of these images.

Inside let me the most impressive is the corner of the western fruit shop chef and owner Yi Zi because of his fall to cancel the dinner contract, even temporarily closed the shop, and not willing to ask other chefs to replace, because the taste has changed, the guests will not look back. This attitude of opening a shop is worth our thinking and learning.

Bread of Happiness (2012).

As things pile up in Tokyo, Rie (Tomoyo Harada) and her husband (Yoshi Oizumi) flee the city and settle in Tsukuro, Hokkaido, where they open Mani, a bread cafe on a hill near a lake, serving bread, coffee and light meals, as well as lodging for guests from far away.

Guests from different places are healed in Mani. From Tokyo to relax Kaori Saito and Hokkaido town youth Yamashita Shisheng met, produced a pure sincere feelings; The little girl who lost her mother soon came to Mani with her father and opened their hearts. Very sick old women and gentlemen come to Mani to spend their last moments together.

English words companion from Latin companionem, by com (a) + panis (= bread, bread), literally means “broken bread.”

This movie is a perfect illustration of three meals for two in a house and four seasons. There is nothing more healing than a beautiful landscape, delicious coffee and bread, and the companionship of family.

Bread and Soup and Cat Weather (2013).

When the mother of Akiko (Satomi Kobayashi), who works at a publishing house, died unexpectedly, leaving a well-run canteen untended, the owner of the cafe next door (Maasako) said it would be unlucky for the shop to close. Ya Ji son picked up a stray cat on the side of the road, because to work no time to take care of, or cafe owner said the cat long a lucky cat face, can not abandon.

While hesitating, just hit the publishing house personnel changes, Yaji son quit his job, the mother left the canteen renovated, into a canteen serving bread and soup.

There is bread and soup, cats and fine weather, and Akiko is happy with the new shop girl (Kanai), neighbors and customers.

Like Yuki in Cafeteria Gull, Akiko, also played by Satomi Kobayashi, is still unambitious and unambitious, living alone with only a cat for company.

Masako in Gull’s Canteen becomes the snarky but good-hearted owner of the cafe next door.

At the beginning, Ya Ji son operated the canteen alone, said that if can not get along well, as a person to operate. Later, she recruited a tall girl as a shop assistant. Two people go to a neighbor’s cafe for coffee, go out to dinner, play baseball together, and get along as friends.

She heard that she had a half-brother who had inherited his father’s temple, so she went to visit him in the temple. No emotional recognition process, two people just lightly chatting, seemingly nothing said, and like each other understand, both familiar and strange.

As a series with only four episodes, it’s not short, but it’s not easy to watch it all in one sitting. Because the plot is so plain that it is going to fade out.

Can be plain as water story, let the viewer’s heart also become calm, quietly see how to get along with their own Ji son, how to get along with others.

Human beings are social animals, but on the contrary, loneliness also has to accompany everyone’s life. Learning to enjoy loneliness is a lifelong compulsory course for everyone.

I think you can learn something from this show.

Cooking Fairy (2008).

In modern Tokyo, where fast food and instant food are popular, there is a traditional food pavilion called Ichigan, which is located in a commercial street and a civilian area.

Ichigan is run by a young woman named Handa Sen (Yuu Aoi), who wears a different kimono every day. The whole show is a kimono show, so much so that it is difficult for me to find some food stils, which are all kimono photos of Yujang. But that’s one of the big things about the show.

Haneda’s fondness for alcohol and collecting antiquities is a headache for his employees.

Jiangqi by the husband (inside Bo is acted the role of) originally in Roppongi a commercial restaurant work, this restaurant only heavy form not heavy content, Jiangqi by the husband can not bear it, he resigned before the young yearning for a nunnery job, did not think that the master of a nunnery is not the lady he saw when he was young, but her daughter half Tian Xian.

Ezaki from the o to a sheng nunnery, to start from the most basic, all kinds of hard work let him cry, several times to leave, and several times to come back.

With the rapid development of The Times and the rapid change of the world, the independent Yishengan still uses traditional cooking methods, steaming rice with straw and making miso in ancient ways. It does not have modern kitchen appliances, and does not join or open branches.

Other restaurants are seeking speed, but Yisheng Nunn is slowing down. How to survive in the competition? Facing the transformation of shop street, what should Yisheng Nunn do?

Tokyo Grand Hotel (2019).

At the end of last year, two of the most popular overseas dramas were South Korea’s “Love Crash Landing” and Japan’s “Tokyo Hotel.”

“Love Crash Landing” I am following, very head, but is for Hyun Bin and Sun Yezhen appearance level and the drama sweet rural love story to see. Tokyo Grand Hotel has middle-aged men (Takuya Kimura) and women (Kyoka Suzuki) who play the role of appearance level, but what attracted me was the content of making food and the inspiring story.

Tokyo Hotel can be said to carry forward the burning culture of Japan to the extreme. Although the plot is also very cliched, but still can make people watch the blood boiling.

Tailflower summer tree (Kimura Takuya ornaments) and partners in Paris already have a Michelin two star restaurant, but because of a food safety accident, let tailflower’s life fell into the trough.

Tailflower in Paris and come to apply for the Michelin three star restaurant but failed early see Lunzi (Jing Xiang Suzuki is acted the role of) meet, Lunzi tail food moved, tailflower was Lunzi want to pick the star faith moved, two people decided to go back to Tokyo, together to create a Michelin three star restaurant.

Tailflower and Renko set up a French restaurant named “Gland Maison Tokyo”. The partners who worked with Tailflower in Paris joined one by one, forming a strong team. They fell in love with their competitor “Gaku” restaurant and finally won three Michelin stars.

The formation of the team is the most burning scene in the whole series. All the people in the team work together for the same goal, the same dream, each show their strengths, that kind of morale is too exciting. After watching this, I also want to have a team, do not want to be lonely alone to fight all.

The beauty of the show is that the restaurants featured are real or original, and all the dishes and desserts are designed and produced by famous chefs.

L’AMBROISIE (The Dining Hall of the Gods), where Natsuki first studied in Paris, is known as the strongest three-star restaurant in the show, and has won three Michelin stars for 20 consecutive years.

Gaku is based on Maison Paul Bocuse, a two-star restaurant in Daikwanshan.

Escofille, a two-star restaurant opened by Natsuki and her friends in Paris, has its kitchen scene taken from the kitchen of the French Embassy in Tokyo, and its location is Maison Blanche in Paris. The restaurant is famous for its balcony with excellent view of the Paris Tower.

The food produced by Natsuki is supervised by Quintessence, a Tokyo-based French food company that has won three Michelin stars for 12 consecutive years. In addition to Yukii Hattori, one of Japan’s most respected food critics, there is Wednesdays Kishida, chef of Quintessence. Kishida has won three Michelin stars for 12 consecutive years since 2008.

It is said that the shooting of the drama coincided with the Michelin award ceremony in the Tokyo area, so the Michelin award ceremony in the drama was also taken at the scene.

It’s worth watching for so many scenes and dishes designed and produced by celebrity chefs.

The tail tree said, “Do a thing, eating, walking, sleeping are thinking about studying it, will really learn well, do well.”

Matsuko Hasami said, “The most difficult thing is to insist on doing what is natural.”

“You can’t make good food if you don’t work hard,” says one member of the team.

You can’t watch this show without it burning.More than half of the food shows I recommend are Japanese. The Japanese are particularly good at making this kind of slow-paced, healing movie and TV series about food and life. It feels like one is made every year. Several actors even become professional in this kind of movie.But as the days slow down, we can put our relationship with food into perspective. What kind of food are we going to eat, what kind of attitude are we going to eat.

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