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New York
July 27, 2024
Healthy Eating

Teach you to do 8 kinds of popular food, simple and delicious, husband and children have been not enough!

There must be many people used to eating domestic food, want to eat foreign food, but it is not convenient to go abroad or not worth it. Now you can enjoy the food around the world at home. It is simple and easy to do.One, muscle pepper powder.Muscle chili powder, which originated with the ancient Greeks, served a sweet fruit-filled version around the 5th century BC. The Romans also used flour, oil and water pastes to make pastries to hide cooked birds and other meats and prevent juices from leaking. Throughout history, the pie was used as a simple and inexpensive meal throughout Europe, thanks to elaborate roads and infrastructure implemented by the Romans. In the United States, Pilgrims won awards for bringing pies to the continent, and they’re a great way to stretch the food.

Muscle Pepper Powder.

Ingredients: Make a large pie; 500g boneless, skinless chicken breast, cube; 50g assorted mushrooms, finely sliced; 1 cup peas; 3 large carrots, peeled and cut into rounds; 1 onion, sliced into half a moon; 2 garlic cloves, minced; 500 ml chicken broth; Half a cup of dry white wine; 1 Parsley, chopped; 1 T sage, chopped; 1 T smoked paprika powder; 1/2 cup flour; 1 roll pastry.

What to do: Saut the onion and garlic until light.

To fry, mix a little salt, pepper and paprika into the flour. Lightly coat chicken with flour mixture and add to pan and fry in batches.

Fry until browned, then remove from the pan.

Add the carrots and herbs and fry until softened. Add mushrooms and peas and cook.

Return the chicken to the pan and add the wine to decolorize the pan. Add garlic and reduce the heat to very low. Cook for a while until the soup base is reduced and the mixture thickens. Set aside to cool.

Lubricate a large muffin tin on a clean surface, push out the pastry and cut into rounds. Place the circle into the muffin tray and add the stuffing to the tray. Cover the pie with the top circle of pastry and fold over to make a sealed pie. Make two small holes in the top pastry – this is very important as it ensures that the pastry will not get wet.

Cook for about half an hour, until the bottom is golden brown. Now, you can clean the top of the pastry with a little egg to get a shiny, crispy top.

2. Vienna Waffles.

The best recipe for waffles, waffles are very soft, crisp and pleasant to eat.

Vienna waffles.

Ingredients: Flour, 350g; Milk, 200ml; Butter, 200g; Eggs, 3; Sugar, 100g; Baking powder, 10g; Lemon juice, 5ml; Salt content.


1. Soften butter and mix with sugar.

2. Add the milk and eggs and mix everything in a blender.

3. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt.

4. Mix the flour and egg mixture. Add the lemon juice.

5. Place the panel in wafer form.

6. Place one tablespoon of dough in the mold and bake for about two minutes.

7. At the end of the waffle, make a pile and pour in strawberry jam and mint sprigs.

3. Banana and Blackberry Milkshake.

Hot summer days are coming, and on days like these, prepare delicious milkshakes for the family. Especially when they prepare a variety of milkshakes, the family loves it. Add cold milk, ice cream, fruit, and berries to your smoothie. It’s super easy.

Banana and Blackberry Milkshake.

Ingredients: Milk, 1 l; Banana, 1 each; Ice Cream, 100g; Vanillin, 10 g; Honey, 1 TBSP; Blackberry, 50g.


1. Add the cooled milk to the blender bowl.

2 Slice the banana and add it to the blender bowl.

3. Then add ice cream, honey, vanillin and blackberries.

4. Cover the bowl of the mixer with a lid and beat for about two minutes until a consistent consistency is formed.

5. Pour the shake into a kettle and pour into a glass.

Four, fried chicken sauce recipe.

Fried chicken sauce.

Ingredients: 800g chicken (cut into small pieces); 5 garlic cloves (minced); Lime leaves (very thin slices); Red pepper (chopped); 3 TBSP tomato sauce; 2 TSP sugar (chicken); 3 TBSP sugar (paste); 5 TBSP fish sauce; Corn starch; Mint (sliced).


1. Marinate chicken: In a large bowl, add the chicken with fish sauce, lime leaves, sugar and tomato paste and keep in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour.

2. Remove the chicken from the marinade, marinate the marinade, mix the chicken with the cornstarch in a large zippered bag, shake to combine, and remove the chicken from the flour. Put it on hold.

3. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium low heat, add the chicken and fry on both sides until golden brown, then cover.

4 Remove the chicken from the skillet. Put it in a bowl and set it aside.

5. Prepare the soy sauce: Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat, add the garlic and fry until golden, then add the pepper, stirring for about 2 minutes, add the marinade (you just soaked the chicken), and the sugar. Mix well for a minute or so (the sauce thickens a little) and season with the fish sauce. Mix the sauce with mint.

6. Put the sauce into the fried chicken. fever.

5. Russian beef.

How to make meatballs at home, a traditional Russian dish for meat lovers. This recipe serves 4 people and makes about 12 Kotlets. Have you ever tried Russian schnitzel? This could be your next quick and delicious dinner. Russian patties are easy to make and absolutely delicious!

Russian beef.

Ingredients: 500g ground beef; 1 large onion; 3-4 cloves garlic; Salt and pepper; 1 egg; 1 cup milk; 1 TSP mustard (optional); 2 medium potatoes (washed and peeled); Sunflower oil; Bread crumbs.


1. Add peeled and chopped potatoes, onion, garlic, salt and pepper to food processor and flash until smooth. Then add mustard and mix everything together. If you don’t have a food processor, you can grind everything by hand (minimum cut), but this will take longer.

2. Add ground beef, eggs and mix for a few minutes until incorporated. Put the meat in a large bowl and add the milk. You can add less or more, just make sure your meat is soft – not runny and not too hard.

3 Take a large piece of meat mixture, roll it in your hands (make sure they are moist, this will make it easier to handle the meat), then dip the breadcrumbs in from both sides and set aside. Repeat until finished.

4. Prepare the pan, heat the oil and butter, and wait until it becomes very hot, only to put the beef balls inside. Fry for 5-8 minutes on both sides. At first there was high heat, so they were crisp, then lowered to medium-low.

Six, Tiramisu glasses.

A very simple dessert that doesn’t need to be baked in the oven. Using a subtle mascarpone cheese and mixing it with powdered sugar and vanilla, the result is a nice combination. Vanilla gives the cream a pleasant taste and aroma.

Tiramisu glasses.


Creamy Masca, 200g; Powdered Sugar, 80g; Vanilla, 10g; Cookies, 150g; Coffee, 50ml; Cocoa, used for sprinkling water.


1. Place Mascarhoney cream, icing sugar and vanilla in a blender. Blend thoroughly until smooth.

2. Divide the cookies into crumbs.

3. Make fresh coffee.

4. Put a layer of biscuits on top and add a few spoonfuls of coffee. Then add the cream.

5. Repeat several layers until the glasses are fully filled.

6. Sprinkle with tiramisu cocoa powder.

7. Remove the tiramisu from the refrigerator for two hours.

7. Pasta.


Ingredients: Spaghetti (about 150g); Onions; A carrot; Ground pepper; 4 to 5 mushrooms; Chopped garlic; Tomato sauce 4 TBSP; Pepper salt.


1. Start cooking spaghetti. We’re going to cook the pasta with the sauce again, so don’t overdo it.

2. Cut garlic, pepper, sausage and carrot. I thinly sliced it and it worked well with the noodles.

3. Put the olive oil in a pan and fry the garlic and onion first. If the onion becomes softer, add minimal ingredients and fry it.

4. Add 4 tablespoons tomato paste, 1/2 teaspoon salt and a dash of pepper. Mix well.

5. Add the noodles to the sauce and mix thoroughly!

8. Vietnamese Crab Soup Noodles.

Ingredients: 500g bone marrow; 200g crab (fresh or canned); Ground Pork 100g; 50g dried shrimp; Rice noodle; 1 egg yolk; 1 green onion (chopped); 3 garlic cloves (minced); 4 cloves garlic (minced) dipping sauce; 3 tomatoes (cut into wedges); 1 package tofu (cut into large pieces); Scallions (thinly sliced), Anato seed oil, shrimp paste, salt, fish paste, rice vinegar, chili and sugar; Lettuce.

Vietnamese Crab Soup noodles.


1. Prepare the broth: Bring a cup of water to a boil over high heat. When the water is boiling, add the pig bone marrow for about 2 minutes before cleaning. Drain and rinse well until the water runs clear.

2. Pour 8 cups of water into a pot and bring to a boil. Add the pork bone marrow, wait to boil for about 1 minute, reduce the heat and simmer for about 1 hour.

3. Meanwhile, prepare the crab soup: Combine the mashed crab with 2 cups of water in a saucepan and mix well. Strain the mashed crab. Bring to a boil over medium heat, add 1 TSP salt and stir for about 4 minutes, until the crab meat rises to the surface. Slowly remove the cooked crab meat and place it in a bowl. Put it on hold.

4. Soak dried shrimp in warm water, drain and rinse until the water runs clear. Mince dried shrimp and set aside.

5. Prepare the shrimp: In a large bowl, mix the chopped shrimp, egg yolks, pork, scallions, garlic, 1 TSP salt and 1 TSP sugar. Put it in the fridge.

6. After the broth has boiled for about 1 hour, add the crab broth and boil for about 2 minutes.

7. Remove the shrimp and spoon into the broth to form “shrimp balls”.

8. If you want tofu: Heat the oil in a wok and fry the tofu on both sides until golden. Add the tofu to the just-cooked broth.

9. Heat the tomato seed oil, add the tomatoes, stir fry for about 1 minute, and stir in the tomato broth. Season with 1/2 TSP shrimp paste, sugar and salt. The cooked crab meat is then added to the broth. Bring to a boil over medium-low heat for about 1 minute.

10. Prepare the dipping sauce: Whisk together the sugar, garlic, lime juice, black pepper, cayenne pepper, rice vinegar, cold water and fish paste in a bowl. Importantly, taste the sauce (sweet and sour).

11. If using dry rice noodles: Bring a large pot of water to a boil, soak the rice noodles and stir until softened, usually about 6 minutes. Rinse and rinse with cool boiling water. Place the rice noodles in a deep bowl and add slices of cooked meat on top. Pour the broth over the broth and sprinkle with scallions. Serve hot with dipping sauce, lettuce, chili and hazelnuts.

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