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July 27, 2024
Healthy Eating

Study abroad, eat well to learn well The world’s top 10 healthy Food review

In the hot summer, the students are not all in the air-conditioned room, holding a notebook, lit hungry, eating takeout.It doesn’t work. After a summer, you’ll find yourself:Not dark, but fat…Not blind, but nearsighted…I’m not hungry, but I have a bad stomach…In a word, sub-healthy…Even though it’s 40 + degrees outside (you guys from cities below 40 degrees, you don’t have a say…) Overseas students still want to say to you:

Every day you must go out in the sun, don’t turn on the air conditioner 24 hours a day, don’t stare at the computer all the time, and finally, eat a healthy diet!

Here are the top 10 healthy foods from around the world. Let’s take a look.

Beat the heat with soup in humid Singapore.

The tiny island nation is super hot all year round. Nevertheless, there is a healthy and popular dish, rice vermicelli soup with fish slices. A delicious broth, garnished with cilantro and sauteed Onions, this dish is low in saturated fat. It’s usually served with a small plate of fresh red peppers — which even adds an anti-cancer benefit to the dish! Felicia Lim said, “Rice noodles with fish slices are very common in street stalls and very affordable. Noodles and noodle soups are delicious with fish and a little milk. Boiled or fried fillets are the finishing touches. Tofu cubes, cooked potatoes and high-fiber, nutritious vegetables are also often added to dishes.” Food writer Felicia Lim, a Singapore native, said: “Expect to sweat on a hot and humid day, but I promise every bite will be delicious!”

Eat fresh fish in Mexico.

International etiquette expert SharonSchweitzer has eaten all over the world. ceviche, a staple Mexican lunch dish, is one of her healthiest. “Ceviche is a traditional seafood dish made with fresh fish, shrimp, diced vegetables, avocado, coriander and lime. This dish is especially popular in seaside cities and seafood restaurants throughout Mexico.” The dish requires no cooking. Fresh fish, such as tilapia, provides protein, while its signature seasoning, coriander, is rich in vitamins and folic acid.

Try the most important (and healthiest) meal of the day in Spain.

Another Schweitzer favorite is Spanish jambalaya. “In Spain, even though lunch is the most important meal, you can still eat healthy. Jambalaya is a traditional dish of rice, independence, shrimp, chicken, mussels, clams, fish and lots of vegetables. It’s very tasty and very high in protein, and people really like it.” Jambalaya is usually served with other dishes, such as a big bowl of green salad and crispy whole wheat bread. If you want to experience Spanish lunch in its own right, savor each bite of paella with a friend, then go for a nap or a nice walk afterward.

Stay slim in Croatia.

When you think of Croatia, you probably think of some heavy foods. But when it comes to lunch (the most important meal in Croatia), locals have some ingenious ways to stay light. “We eat a lot of fish, soup and salads. Salad is the main side dish for lunch, and soaking tomatoes, cucumbers, and Onions in vegetable oil with a little vinegar is enough to minimize our daily intake of other foods. The same goes for soup. Instead of drinking water before a meal, we have soup. That’s part of the reason why Europeans have always been so thin. Eating lots of soup, eating lots of salad — it’s a habit that’s formed from birth and we stick to it throughout our lives.”

Indian food: Immerse yourself in the six flavours of Ayurveda.

PurviKamaliya, a travel enthusiast from India, still remembers the healthiest meal he has ever eaten here.

“I was in Gujarat, India, and it was a typical Ayurvedic lunch. The foods used are very healthy, including grains, legumes, dairy products, and well-balanced oils and ghee. Such food is not only healthy, but also mouth-watering, “she said. This delicious and varied Indian lunch consists of green vegetables cooked and infused with Indian spices (known locally as undhiyu), lentils with a perfect balance of sweet, sour, bitter and spicy, rice, and soft dosa — all cooked over an open flame and slathed with ghee. “A dosa made from barley and a curry (chickpea cake) made from spiced curds add up to a unique meal. The meal is finished with a glass of skim milk with cumin powder.”

The spices used in the preparation of these foods are fenugreek leaves and seeds, cayenne pepper, turmeric powder, lemon juice and bay leaves.

Would you like to try sauerkraut?

A healthy lunch in Germany usually involves egg noodles. It’s a noodle made with healthy Spelt wheat flour. Guy Arthur, an American who runs an English school here, recommends the egg lentil noodles, a healthy mixture of poached lentils, garlic and vinegar: “Of course, this healthy German dish is always served with chicory sprinkled with diced carrots. Germans like to make it very healthy, so they add a cup of probiotic-rich sour pickle juice.”

In Switzerland: Locally produced  Healthy eating.

What would a registered dietician find if she had to leave sunny San Diego for Switzerland because of her husband’s job? Answer: A very healthy lunch. “Lunch at every Swiss restaurant includes a variety of fresh salads made from locally sourced ingredients. A bowl of vegetable fiber before a meal helps me eat up quickly. It also makes great cheese and bread, so I like to share a slice of pizza with the whole table. Swiss pizza has a paper-thin crust that provides me with the right amount of carbs.” ElizabethShaw, a nutrition consultant, explains. Fruity porridge with high-protein Swiss yogurt and fruit such as apples and bananas is a healthy choice and a popular takeaway lunch.

A healthy diet in Israel.

There are many healthy food choices in the Middle East. As a country that prides itself on healthy cooking, Israeli lunches often feature Israeli salads with simple ingredients including fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, olive oil, sea salt, pepper and lemon juice. Hummus and graham crackers are loaded with healthy carbohydrates and vegetable protein. Sasuka’s dish, which includes spicy eggs and tomato pepper sauce, is another delicious takeaway lunch.

Italian light diet.

The birthplace of pasta, Italy is known for its wide range of pastries (cannoli, tiramisu, etc.), but there is no shortage of healthy and delicious food. Schweitzer advises, “Mediterranean foods are rich in vegetables, legumes, lean protein (fish, chicken, etc.), and healthy fats (olive oil, for example). Try a Caesar salad with chicken or salmon, or order salt-grilled mackerel (instead of fried squid). You could order pasta sinza frommagio (pasta without cheese) or an espresso (instead of red wine).”

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