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New York
October 18, 2024
Healthy Eating

The most complete! The 10 healthiest foods in the United States have been revealed, and this year, be sure to eat them all!

In today’s pursuit of various supplements, people often ignore the nutritional value of common foods around them, they are rich in vitamins, minerals, anti-cancer substances and so on, which is no less than “supplements”.Us magazines Line Body and Time recently listed 10 super healthy foods that can fight disease and boost energy. Take a look at the top 10 foods.1. Avocados.

1 Prevention of heart disease.

Far from being A rare fruit, avocados can be found in most supermarkets. They are high in vitamins A, E, C, selenium and other antioxidants. They are also rich in animal and vegetable oils, fiber, and folate, which help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease.

2 Improve blood lipid.

A Pennsylvania State University study showed that eating avocados, like olive oil and almonds, has the same effect of clearing bad cholesterol from the blood, reducing LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in the body by about 12 percent after three months. At the same time, it can also raise the content of cholesterol and help improve the health status of blood fat.

2. Garlic.

1 anti-inflammatory.

Garlic is a powerful weapon against disease. It can greatly inhibit the growth of bacteria such as E. coli, can play an anti-inflammatory role.

2 Lowering cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar.

Garlic contains substances such as allicin and allicase, which, when crushed, come into contact with each other to form allicin, which has health benefits. Therefore, garlic is best mashed into mud, and to put 10 to 15 minutes after eating, which is conducive to the generation of allicin. The content of organic sulfide which plays an antibacterial role in heating will gradually decrease, so the sterilization effect of raw garlic is good.

3 Treat arthritis.

Garlic can also treat arthritis caused by wind, cold and humidity. First find a piece of clean cotton cloth, wrap two layers on the knees, and then take 3~4 garlic, mashed into mud compress on the cloth, and then wrap up with plastic film, compress for two hours. After taking off the medicine, wrap your knees in a clean cotton cloth to remove rheumatism and break cold air.

3. Spinach.

1 Anti-cancer, improve immunity.

Spinach tops the list of winter vegetables. The Center for Public Science has given spinach its top spot in the latest edition of the super nutritious vegetable. Spinach contains lutein and zeaxanthin is beneficial to improve human immunity. The latest research also shows that spinach is the most effective food against cancer.

2 beautify.

Because spinach contains a large amount of iron, it can improve iron deficiency anemia and make the face rosy. It is also praised as a good beauty product.

3 Eye protection.

At the end of the year, many people began to busy night overtime, spinach in lutein in the retina of the macula has an important protective effect, you can appropriately eat more.

Need to remind is, because spinach oxalic acid content is high, a consumption should not be too much.

4. Dark chocolate.

1 Control blood pressure.

A study at the Antioxidant Research Laboratory at Duffers University found that people with high blood pressure who ate 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate a day reduced their blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels after two weeks.

2 antithrombotic.

German researchers gave 24 women half a cup of concentrated flavonoid cocoa powder every day. After three months, the women’s skin was moister and smoother, and the stains and dander caused by exposure to the sun had improved significantly.

3 Prevention of heart disease.

Cocoa beans, the ingredient in chocolate, are rich in natural antioxidants called flavonoids, which lower blood pressure, prevent platelets from clotting, help blood vessels flow, and significantly reduce the risk of heart disease, according to the Hopkins University School of Medicine. It’s even better at fighting blood clots than red wine, tea and berries.

5. Broccoli.

1 Moisten the lungs and relieve cough.

Some people call broccoli “medicine from heaven” and “the poor man’s doctor,” because it has the effect of refreshing the throat, opening the voice, moistening the lungs and relieving cough.

2 Prevent cancer and clean blood vessels.

Broccoli works wonders for killing H. pylori, the bacterium that causes stomach cancer. Long-term consumption can reduce the risk of stomach, breast, rectal and other cancers.

Broccoli is one of the foods with the most flavonoids. Flavonoids are also one of the best blood vessel cleansers, preventing cholesterol from oxidizing and platelets from clotting, thus reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

3Reduce bruising and strengthen bone.

Some people’s skin can turn black and blue from small bumps because of a lack of vitamin K, and the best way to supplement it is to eat more broccoli. One average-sized serving of broccoli provides your daily allowance of vitamin K and twice your daily allowance of vitamin C. Both vitamins are important for strengthening bone.

6. Lemons.

1 depressurization.

Doctors said that lemon is a “blood pressure fruit”, high blood pressure patients usually might as well eat lemon, drink lemonade.

2 Improve blood lipid.

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and vitamin P, especially higher in vitamin C, which has antioxidant and vascular endothelial protective effects, helping to control blood pressure and protect the heart. In addition, lemons resist the action of calcium ions in the blood to promote blood clotting, thus preventing atherosclerosis.

3 Inhibition of cancer cells.

Citrus flavonoids found in lemons also inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

7. Salmon.

1 Prevent heart disease, cancer.

Salmon is the world’s precious fish species, also called salmon, trout, salmon. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and niacin, they help reduce the risk of depression, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and more.

2 Prevent rheumatoid arthritis.

A study published in the British Medical journal Annals of Rheumatic Diseases found that eating salmon or cod or tuna four times a week significantly reduced the risk of rheumatoid arthritis.

8. Potatoes.

1 Prevent heart disease and stroke.

When it comes to potassium-rich foods, many people only think of bananas. In fact, there are many foods higher in potassium than bananas, such as potato, taro and other potato foods. Potatoes have 342 mg / 100g of potassium, while bananas have 256 mg / 100g. Taro also has about 50% more. Using potato to replace part of the staple food, to prevent chronic diseases, constipation and so on are good.

2 Anti-cancer, improve immunity.

Potatoes are also rich in folate; One sweet potato contains eight times the daily requirement for vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for fighting cancer and improving immunity.

9. Beans.

1 Improve blood sugar.

Legumes are low glycemic index foods, eat a variety of beans, such as soybeans, mung beans, red beans, black beans, peas, kidney beans, lentils… Can improve blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes.

2 Reduce the risk of heart disease.

Eating more beans is good for your heart. It contains insoluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol, and soluble fiber, which helps remove waste from your body. Eating legumes (whether peas, lentils, beans, etc.) more than three times a week can significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.

3Cancer prevention.

Other studies have shown that the higher soy intake, the lower the risk of lung and breast cancer.

10. Walnuts.

1 Reduce diabetes risk.

Walnuts are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to other nuts, which reduce insulin resistance and reduce a person’s risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

2 Protect the heart.

According to a study published in the journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, eating 40g of walnuts every day for four weeks can effectively improve people’s microvascular function, which may be beneficial for the alleviation and prevention of cardiovascular disease.Consuming about 28 grams of walnuts a day, equivalent to a small handful of nuts, can provide satisfactory heart care.

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